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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Youtube First-Ever Organzied Chaotic Free-For-All Competition/Collaboration

    I sort of like the way "structured" and "anarchistic" create friction between each other when used together.

    Okay, this takes a minimum of explaining to make something of this area, which if you jumped here from the Giveaway page for June 2015, you might already have correctly guessed that this is the beginning of a hopefully continuing thread where I'll suggest a theme, and you people build, copy, revise collaborate, do whatever you feel it takes on your part to become a part that's larger than the whole.


    Here's the deal: I tried to think of the broadest topic we could all graphically explain/illustrate/embellish, and I came up with "Infinity".

    You don't get much more all-encompassing, right?

    Seriously (at least before we all have fun): how many times do we casually refer to "The Infinite", or "oh, that's cool to the Infinite Power!!! (if you're under 21)...and really don't do justice to the concept because we're shooting way too low?

    As a poet, if I were asked to illustrate Infinity with words, I might say, "Love. A wedding ring, which has no beginning and no end."

    You might offer the math expression Pi, because although it has a beginning, what if you started in the center of the integer? You wouldn't be able to see the beginning or the end.

    I'm going to prime the well here, and please don't do like me. Do BETTER than me. Think about this first: what is there in your talent set you can use to describe using Art a very, very hard thing to illustrate? Do you want to embellish the symbol for Infinity. Do you want to use the Perspective Mould to extend an object farther than the audience's eye can see?

    I think it's a good topic, infinitely so, in fact. Face it; is anyone going to come up with a broader topic real soon? How do your religious beliefs affect your perception and a Xara drawing of Infinity?

    My first (and probably not best) musical impression of "Infinity" and my small 3D video, just a little literal revelation of the shape we often use to denote "Infinity".

    please don't take infinitely long to replay to this thread!

    My Best,

    Last edited by Gare; 11 June 2015 at 04:29 PM.




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