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  1. #11

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    I always admire the file size by Xara export.
    Yesterday I exported Poster as PDF/X-1 Coated Fogra 39. At the exit I got 80Mb.
    Using Acrobat Pro preflight utilité I converted this document in the same format with the same color space. And gotten only 16Mb. Funny actually!
    So if you have a way to use Adobe Acrobat Pro, then do the same thing.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    it depends [I think] on which PDF library xara is using - I guess you would expect the adobe product to have the best
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #13

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    I do not know whether Acrobat is better. But Adobe is quasy standard for printing companies. And Acrobat gives me more confidence that my document corresponds printing demands. If file size is 5 times smaller, it is not bad either.

    I find nothing wrong in using multiple softwares. e.g. Photoshop can also 3D. But I'm doing it in 3D program. Because it is precieser, better and faster. Is it bad or good?

  4. #14

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    Acrobat is optimizing the pdf on the resave. And it is likely possible.to get your 80 Meg file down even further with no lack of quality by stripping all the Metadata.


    That was both pages. I'll look again when I am back to the computer. ..I'm sitting on the porch drinking coffee at the moment. But I am pretty sure that the settings were as per your choices.
    Last edited by mwenz; 05 May 2015 at 02:55 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    @digitalphaser [edit mike snuck in there

    whatever works for you is good

    I use a lot of different software, it's the job that counts at the end of the day

    when I say 'best' I mean adobe can afford the best, not every software company are that position; and that is one reason why you will not hear me knocking adobe now that I have come to use it in anger...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #16

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    Acrobat is optimizing the pdf on the resave. And it is likely possible.to get your 80 Meg file down even further with no lack of quality by stripping all the Metadata...
    It's right. Most importantly, the optimization is not at the expense of quality. Just cleaned waste "slag".

  7. #17

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    @digitalphaserwhen I say 'best' I mean adobe can afford the best, not every software company are that position; and that is one reason why you will not hear me knocking adobe now that I have come to use it in anger...
    I understood you. My thought was: "best" is a relative term. I do not like comparisons "better" or "worse". I like more: why is it better?..

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export


    has a more comprehensive implementation perhaps? - ok I am still not being 100% definitive, but I claim no expertise
    Nothing lasts forever...

  9. #19

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    Hi Wide, Yep, those are the same settings. So likely as mentioned, it is further optimization Xara has done with the export filter.
    Quote Originally Posted by WideEyedLife View Post
    ...Not quite ready to give up on this printer, quite yet.
    I fully understand. I have a particular service bureau I have done work with since 1989 and will do work with them as long as we both are in business. But I am not always in control of where the work goes and so the printer has to be capable of doing the work. Which for some clients mean they have to choose a different printer. For instance, the last book I did had the PDF at about 1.25 gigabytes for the interior.

    There isn't any way to get your PDF smaller than I have done without lowering the DPI. It's a limitation of the physical size of a bitmaps being used for the page.

    Only vector elements will reduce the PDF size. Do you have vector elements of these pages?


  10. #20

    Default Re: Huge jump in file size from xara file to PDF export

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    Hi Wide, Yep, those are the same settings. So likely as mentioned, it is further optimization Xara has done with the export filter.
    It appears I'm doing the same thing you are, settings wise.

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    you are using designer pro 6 ? - it's possible that the export filters for that version are not as 'efficient' as the later ones [mike I think uses ver 9, I use version 8]

    Let's see if I get this---
    Based on the two comments above, it's possible that my problem is an antiquated version of Xara that isn't as efficient at exporting PDFs?

    So if I download the latest version of Xara Pro my PDF file size may go down?



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