OK after a lot of help from Talk graphics forums and guys like Acorn & gwpriester, I have at last a test of my first Xara website up, I still have lots to fix & decide, & I wondered if there was any other things I should look to finish it. It's responsive site with a mobile version does with Web Designer 10 Premium

I have 2 pages Discography & Credits I have done, I need to keep the site to as few pages as possible but that means displaying over 200 album covers one one page, on Discography I did one huge gallery, while on Credits I did multiple galleries, I didn't put all the pics yet on the Credits page as it takes ages to put them in, I also experiment with the text being a funky wordle rather than plain text, but this is lot so graphics for one page so I'm not sure of that. I'm also unsure I need a contact page, or a form, I could add this somewhere on the front page.

This is one with a fixed photo on the front page
This is one with a video on the front (someone suggested a video would be better than a pic)

Appreciate any criticism, help, idea's etc.. (apart from start again