
I'm having a problem with embedded galleries and the WD10 nav bar, the menu ends up in behind the gallery and if it is a long menu then it doesn't appear. I have tried moving the menu forward and the gallery back but it doesn't help.

This problem only seems to occur in Internet Explorer though, anyone experienced this or know how to fix. I've included a link below to the a sample page that has the problem. I would really appreciate any assistance asap as I have gone back and looked at another site I have done which is live and has been for a while has the same problem, so I'm going to need to go back and fix it.

To see the fault hover over 'Class Pages' and the menu should have 16 lines linking to other pages, but only 3/4 appear in IE.


(This isn't a live site, I have just uploaded it to let you see the issue.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
