Hey Xara, your product suited perfectly for us game artists for a while. Xara has always been a single soft on the market that allows to compose textures easily . Not paint like Mari, Photoshop, Zbrush etc . Most of a time you don't paint textures but rather compose from existing materials. Nobody paint things from the beginning for each new texture asset. Games creation would take centuries in such case and Xara has always been a breath of fresh air with its easy ability to compose bitmaps fragments quickly and then replace sources into normal. specular etc. maps Still much quicker and easier than Photoshop can do and simpler than expensive node based composing soft thanks to Xara name tags.

Few things we only need extra are:

1) ability to work with and export 16 bit per channel depth maps
2) ability to easily export selected portion of a document as image with alpha ( your png export works only for a selected object)
3) a few extra blending modes like : divide. lighter color and difference , or rather just Z blending ( blending two depth maps with a resulting mask for color layers)
4) Compositions or rather ability to hide every other named objects except currently selected name in the names list