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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default more than one 100% Layer

    Hi there,

    i try to create with the webdesigner 10 premium a site like this one:


    I come from germany and the german forum AND the MAGIX company (in germany there is no xara, there is magix) told me, that they have no idea how to do this.

    I think i have to put a photo in the pasteboard background and then decide to fill the background 100 %. That is easy. BUT now ist getting hard ... how can i create another layer with the option "fill the background 100%"? I hope you understand my request. In my example you see a mountain and infront of the mountain another layer scrolls above the mountain without any "scroll-buttons" at the bottom of the side. it doesn�t matter if its a small or a big device ... everytime the background is completly filled. This is what i want - a 100 % width fixed photo an above a 100% width scrolling layer.

    I hope my english is good enough and i hope that the community has any ideas?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: more than one 100% Layer

    Welcome to TalkGraphics Stefan

    See this post http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...679#post470679

    Create a Vertical Supersite, you can scroll up and down. Put your navigation buttons on the Fixed layer. The layer does not have to be on top. You can place it anywhere on the fixed layer you want and it will remain there while the rest of the content scrolls up or down.



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