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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Help! Resolution Issues

    Im in way over my head and need advice on what to do. I was asked to make this design for a friends car (half car vinyl) I had no idea how to do it but felt like I could I have experience with photoshop cs so I felt good. I made the design on a 1000x800 per side of the car at 72pixels per inch. You probably already know where Im going with this.... So when I sent my design to the print company they said it wasnt at a high enough resolution so now what do I do? I have heard converting to vector files works but am clueless on how to do it. Im embarrassed to have worked in photoshop for so long and know so little about how this works with the whole scaling thing as well as my lack of time with Illustrator.

    He has a deadline with photoshoot in a week and I think Im totally screwed. I need help.

    Heres one side of the design in jpg just for the upload. What does everyone think Im figuring all is lost and I need to start over from scratch. This was over 70 layers and I took over 20 hours making it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	316CarDesignRightSideLarge.jpg 
Views:	1343 
Size:	105.6 KB 
ID:	102508  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Help! Resolution Issues

    Hi Bam welcome to Talk Graphics. First thing turn off the viz. of your text that can be done again or enlarge to suit full size drawing. Have a look here for the rest of your work: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/usi...esolution.html
    Also have a look at this one gives good info to see if you can improve the resolution. http://www.graphics.com/article-old/...ution-and-size
    There are a few plugins that you can buy to improve res. which you can trial for 1 month which also might help your problem : http://www.dxo.com/intl/photography/...FfMgtAodsXgApg
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Help! Resolution Issues

    Sorry for the delayed response I have been working like crazy to get it back up to par and decided to redo the whole thing. I found a method though.

    What I ended up doing was making my original file 300ppi in image size which blurred everything. Then using the color range selection tool and playing with the settings I was able to accurately outline each layer with a nice smooth edge. Since my design is all flowing vines it worked. I highlighted each layer individually and I also had to take the fx off each layer and reapplied afterward to not mess with the range tool. After going through every layer and making copies I have done it.

    The lines may not be super perfect real close up but they are all sharp and adjusted. As for the Subaru logo, no I was not recreating the logo itself but finding a more appropriate image to use. I asked about changing the color to match but I was not aloud :/ I did have to make another logo not shown in the picture outlining it manually because of how bad the file was. The pen tool and poly lasso made fast work of it and I really like the result actually should have done this in the first place!

    Thank you for the reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Help! Resolution Issues

    go to google and look for a resolution chart-----inches and pixels. Now open photoshop and start by creating your file in the size you need or bigger, always easier to downsize and not loose quality, but you cannot upsize, without special software that will upsize and not destroy picture. Also if professionally printed ask them what dpi or ppi it needs to be in, again it depends on output size resolution. Same advice for Illustrator. Good luck next time.




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