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Thread: Text???

  1. #1

    Default Text???

    Hi Guys(and Gals) this is probably a very silly question which has a very silly solution but at the moment it eludes me. Having just upgraded to Des pro X9 for my trusty aging 6 I am as happy as a pig in the proverbial.

    One small problem that has arisen and the solution eludes me is the resizing of text.(Something I have done for years in Xara products) It appears that the text I have inserted refuses to be resized in anything but proportion even with the aspect ratio unlocked. I can only resize using the corner controls(in proportion) and if I attempt to resize vertically or horizontally the text as a whole just moves. I thought it might be because I had selected a pre-defined text style (normal in this case) but even just typing without selecting a style has the same effect. Nothing is made clear in the help topics and I am sure it is just a settings box I haven't ticked bit despite checking everywhere I can't find one that gets me out of this situation.

    Any help please


  2. #2

    Default Re: Text???

    It isn't a silly question. There has been a change in the way the text box works. If you select the box and group it the vertical and horizontal handles will work in the way you want. Just ungroup afterwards.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Text???

    Thanks Tony simple when you know how. Didn't realise this had been added since 6. Would never have worked it out without your help.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Text???

    Text area now (IMHO) work more intuitively in Designer Pro X9. You can drag the top and side control points of the text area with the Selector Tool and resize the text area without effecting the size or aspect ratio of the text. This works with the Lock Aspect Ratio icon on the Infobar is enabled (in the down position) or disabled.

    Dragging the sides of non-text area text with the Select Tool and Lock Aspect Ratio enabled scales the text proportionately. With Lock Aspect Ratio disabled, dragging resizes the text disproportionately.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Text???

    Seconding Gary's solution here. Use the little padlock icon to unlock the ratio so you can size how you want. This actually behaves more consistently like other sizable objects in the program to me for those times where you actually WANT to squish or expand your text.

    One way or the other, however, if you are using this for web text, you will need to convert the text to a group with itself before exporting to web or it will likely do funky things. Grouping it (and leaving it that way) will force that text to be exported as a graphic, if you didn't already know this.




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