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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    I've just registered WD 10 Premium (upgraded from v 9 Premium), did the entire upgrade procedure and installation (also of the content pack) while online. However:

    a) On startup, I continually get a message saying: 'Unable to download some additional installation files, so Smart Shapes will be unavailable. Please connect to the Internet and restart the programme.' Can't find a way to solve this.

    b) Not sure exactly what was downloaded in the content pack, but when I went offline this morning, there was hardly anything I could try out (All the themes, templates, graphics, stickers etc. could not be used without a net connection.). When I was at a net connection, I downloaded a particular template, opened it, then exited without saving. Later, when I was not at a net connection again, the template was unavailable. I've tried right-clicking on all the categories in the gallery and clicking 'download all' but that hasn't helped.

    Grateful to know how this version handles online/offline work (is it the same as previous versions?), and if buying the DVD would help with the problem.
    My own position: I really really need to know exactly what's on my own machine and not to have it suddenly withdrawn and inaccessible when I'm offline. I also sometimes pay for bandwidth (e.g. when I'm on the move) and need control over what I'm downloading.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    Run as Administrator is always worth a try.

    Close the application, right click on the program icon and select Run as Administrator.

    This either will work or it won't and you only need do this once.

    Let us know if this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    Thanks, unfortunately I already tried that and continue to get the same error message.

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Run as Administrator is always worth a try.

    Close the application, right click on the program icon and select Run as Administrator.

    This either will work or it won't and you only need do this once.

    Let us know if this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    It was worth a try.

    More and more applications are delivering content on demand which is how the Content Catalog works.

    But once you download the files they should also exist in the Designs Gallery.

    Did you download the Content Installer (Help > Download Content Installer)?

    This should add the content to the Designs Gallery. It can take a while depending on your connection speed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    Thanks, yes, I already installed the content installer.

    I agree that more and more applications are delivering content on demand, but I think Xara's implementation is problematic for a stand-alone programme working on one PC only. Minimally when looking at my design gallery, I should be able to know what is and isn't stored locally (as I do when seeing for example, that certain templates - with red folders - must be purchased). That way I can at least guess and download what I need before I travel. Yesterday, when I was working on a site, using elements in a theme, I wanted to add a divider and experiment with a change of button, which showed as a thumbnail on my machine (and I had previously clicked 'download all' for all elements in that folder). But I found that I could not do this without a net connection.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    Right after I registered XD 10 premium, the items in the design gallery such as 'Website themes - general' appeared in a blue folder, not a red one (which was reserved for items that need to be paid for, i.e. the business specific website templates). But now (following the minor upgrade?) several elements in my design gallery (e.g. almost everything in 'page elements') are now in a red folder. Not sure if this is connected to some experimenting I've been doing to try and solve the problem in this thread, or something changed within the programme? The elements now in red folders (apart from the business themes) seem to all be accessible (but only when I'm online).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What can be done online/offline and how - WD 10 Premium

    Bad to worse.

    Please file a support ticket with Xara. http://support.xara.com/




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