You can select color, styles or objects with the new Multifunction Eyedropper tool, here's how.

Color Selection
For color selection click on the multifunction Eyedropper tool and select the color button on the toolbar and simply click the color you wish to pickup.

To pickup styles simply click the styles button on the toolbar then the object you wish to apply the style to and then click on the object you wish to copy the style from with the Eyedropper tool.

Click on the multifunction Eyedropper tool then click on the "Object" button on the toolbar then select one or both check box options "Fill" or "Stroke" then click the first object you wish to select, all objects with the same fill, stroke or both fill and stroke will be selected.

The Eyedropper also works for objects with slightly different colors, if you would like your to expand your fill, stroke or both color selection just change the tolerance slider and more objects with similar color will be selected, this is helpful for selecting objects with tints and shades of the same base color.

Live Effects
The Eyedropper will also pickup objects with the same live effects applied, example click on Eyedropper tool then click the "FX" button then click on the object with the effects you want, and all objects with that effect will be selected.

In our example we will be selecting all objects that have a Gaussian blur applied with a black fill color so we first click on the Eyedropper tool and select the "FX" button and the Fill color check box from the toolbar, doing this will select the objects with the Gaussian blur and the black fill applied, also adjusting the tolerance slider will cause the Eyedropper tool to pickup other objects with Gaussian blur and other colors applied.

Manual Selections
After the Eyedropper has made the selection for you, you can select or deselect other objects the usual way by Shift clicking other object to select more or deselecting by holding the Shift key and click objects already selected.

Thanks, any input and improvements appreciated.