I didn't really know where to put this thread cos it could be down in the Adobe area where I moderate but thought it was much more important than that. This project software is much like Adobe's InDesign but it uses Flash & Air in its core. So it is a digital all-in-one content creation and publishing application that lets virtually anyone at work or home inject the power of graphics, photos, text, video, audio and animation into everyday projects. From printed materials and presentations to digital documents and websites, you can go from start to finish within the simple, creative Project ROME environment. If you want a web site fine, if you want print material fine, if you want a presentation doc no problems. I have had a shot at doing all of these things with it and you need very little to skill to do any of these operations. Well in the web front after publishing you get a flash based site no html or CSS so it loads kind of slow. I also tried doing a tri-fold brochure in full colour and it was straight forward and easy to do using layers and guides just like all DTP programmes. It was the presentation PDF it excelled and gave me a full interactive PDF with out a hitch and slightly more function that you get when you use Xara Design Pro which is a big plus.

In Adobes wisdom they have dropped this project now, they call it "retired" after evaluating it with many users so it is now free and can be downloaded as a desktop application. Come on give it a try, it's free and you don't need an Adobe account to down load it. Download it from here: http://blogs.adobe.com/rome/
The help files could be better but if you know ID then that helps to get the most out of it and because it is Adobe as well as Widows version there's a Mac version as well.