I'd like a line width slider. Often times, I have to pick a line width visually and the default numbers for thickness jump too wide in increments. I realize I could XaReg to have more custom line widths, but I'd much rather be able to move a slider and have that slider connected to a PAIR of keys to increase and decrease width. What I definitely DON'T WANT is line thickness to be paired to 6 keys, like the eraser tool. I'd also like the eraser tool to have the same pair of keys to increase and decrease width.

Lately I've been trying to do more work with pressure sensitivity on, but I'd really like to have the ability to have the ends of the lines tapered like the stroke profiles. It makes for a more natural drawing.

Also, if the brush/pen engine gets improved I'd like to see detection for pen barrel rotation. I use this constantly in Expression and Photoshop. It would be nice to see Xara with this feature.