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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Improving SEO using web designer 9

    I am having real problems improving my websites SEO. I am using web designer 9 premium but can not find any help or tutorials on how to do this. My website just doesnt come up on obvious searches. Hoping someone can help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Improving SEO using web designer 9

    There is no tutorial for this that I am aware of.

    It's more a matter of common sense.

    Does the title for your site give a clear explanation of what your site is about? For example, if your website is about graphics, does your website title say graphics? Does it elaborate and say, Colorful creative graphics? Does it say Colorful creative graphics for design and promotion?

    The more specific you can be in 12 words or less the better.

    Does your domain name define your site content? ColorfulGraphics.com is better than MyGreatWebsite.com

    Does your site and your page descriptions define the content in 12 words or less? Does your home page title say Home or index.htm or does the title give search engines a clue as to your content?

    Keywords are arguable but again 12 or less words that match what people might be searching for.

    Try this and your site should fare better with the search engines.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Improving SEO using web designer 9

    I have tried all the common sense things you have suggested any other ideas?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Improving SEO using web designer 9


    I assume you have set up the necessary basic stuff with google through webmaster tools, and use analytics? Google produce a SEO guide that you can download.

    Here is another:


    I highly recommend reading through it, it is very comprehensive. It has left me feeling "over-it" as far as ranking well in any saturated market is concerned. I have implemented everything I can be bothered to try, besides who would link to some boring cretin like me? Links are very important in search land world, you can read all about this in moz. I suppose it's why the competition employ link spammers. I would rather give my money to adwords at least they are happy to take it and give me reason to think about what I am doing with my marketing and business.

    Time will tell if our new site is a success, 90 days for ranking is to be expected, it is early days still. My first effort was an abomination despite excruciating pain endured tweaking it for results, SEO ranking needs time and work. I think if you are a business, and it's early days, set a budget and go with adwords, I had it all set up wrong the first time, I am working on it right now actually making sure we are targeted properly only in the search network and geographically constricted to our local area.

    It is very important subject, let us know how you go. How long has your site been up for?


    Link spammers 4 ever

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Improving SEO using web designer 9

    Thanks for the links it has taken me a while to read through and apply the tips. Some great advice and i know so much more now about SEO ranking. Fingers crossed now that the tips work.




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