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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    You did what anyway?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    The buttons on the gallery pages.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    I see, when you press them down.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Miami, FL U.S.A

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    Fresh and relaxing website ,

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Austintown, Ohio

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    I like it! It is clean and easy to use. Nice work as always!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    Mixed feelings about this one Gary, i love the concept, the rag paper background was a Great Idea! The main font selection and font colour are great as they work well with and compliment the Artists actual work as does that simple but very effective Logo. However there are things about the site that i cant get on with as i feel they detract from the user experience, interupt the flow of navigation and can be confusing. I have seen a lot of your work and love your style, this one though seems to have issues that are unexpected, I'm thinking your client ran out of funds for their design or that the artist was (as all artists are) a pain to work with, looking for constant change to the point where the website designer is just glad to see the back of it. Personnally working with arty types (artists/photographers and the like) i find it more hassle than its worth and wonder if in this instance you had similar experience as I in the past. The positive thing about working with such clients is that they will be back for more work as they become more successful and update their site with new works and become more aware that a website is thier shop window and not one of 'their' paintings.

    There are three things that come to my attention while surfing the site, for me changes in this direction will improve the user experience and present the website better.

    1. Menu
    2. Contact Page
    3. Gallery Page

    Firstly ...........the Menu, that 'Reviews' button needs to do something more than just open a submenu, perhaps link to a Reviews Page ........of course this means more money from the client to do so as we are talking about a whole new page, I get a feeling from the overall site that money is an issue of high priority for the client. As an alternative perhaps the submenu should be darker to emphasis the point that you are leading them somewhere from the main menu. Another good alternative would be to have the 'Reviews' be a submenu to the Gallery or Resume menu item instead.

    Secondly the Contact Page....... Again its obvious here that money is an issue or it would have a contact form, so in that case the artists photo needs to connect better with the contact text, ie move closer to reduce the white space between text and photograph. (they will be back to spend more on a contact page sooner or later)

    Thirdly/Lastly/Most Importantly....... The Gallery Page is horrible........oops ther you go ive said it out loud....... this is definatley the 'Artist Influence', i can hear her now, "I want it bigger"........."cant you just"... blah blah blah. Advice from the professional website designer just not taken on board at all........... The customer is always right...... em, more like the customer will eventually get their way if they insist upon it ....... but the are most definatley not always right! I would like to make some suggestions to improve this page if i may.

    1. The change in menu style and logo size for this page is not great as continuity is broken, the flow of the website interupted by it. I would bring it back to the same as the others, better on the eye and better for future changes. Its obvious that its so that the artists work can fill as much of the page as possible. A large image that can be clicked to get a Larger or an image that will open a slide show would work better. But if not the page can still be improved upon.......
    2. ......The gallery navigation arrows would be much better if they were below the gallery image, instead they look part of the new menu rather than for the image.
    3. The title text for the Artists Work looks very child like.......... i beleive you would easily find a better alternative. This particluar font is better for 'child sites' ie sites for children, on professional type sites it just looks like there is something wrong with the font. Its out of context with the rest of the site.

    OK, you hate me....lol sorry mate but there you go, you asked.
    "Your never too old to Rock and Roll" ......
    ~Ronald Belford Scott 1946-1980

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    Your comments are duly noted. And I take full credit for everything on the site, with the exception of the convention used for numbering. I like width x height, the artist insisted on height x width.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    Like the overall cleanliness of the site Gary. I don't like the reviews flyout menu, it disappears half the time so you can't click on the sub menu.

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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Artist's Website

    nice and understated. they way a website should look. golly do i ever hate "boxy looking websites"

    BTW, i think i know who stole the residents' 4th eye helmet! i'm telling!




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