Yeah, some freebie sites actually can cost someone aggravation. One local screen printer I do work for has a penchant for clicking hither and dither on some of the free sites. Last time their computer guy went nuts, it took a day to rid the computer of nasties.

With fonts, I have a thing for the odd, some grungy, and for scripts (probably in that order of preference). I have decades worth of sans serif and serif fonts. Doing books and manuals for so long, I didn't really purchase "different" fonts much, just used what came with CorelDraw for the most part, some downloads, etc. My favorite script creator is Laura Worthington. Love her stuff.

Now if XDP could actually make full use of modern fonts. I did a flier not long ago that I began in XDP but needed to finish the type in CD so I could make use of the alternates, etc. Pity.