You're welcome and a good sport for not slapping me for re-doing your ad!

I guess typography, which fonts to choose AND how to stack and align them, deserves an episode in The Page Design Saga.

Truthfully, I came from a background where we'd order text that was rendered optically (photographically, sort of), it came on pages or strips, we'd photocopy them because they were expensive, and we'd cut them up and use rubber cement to tack down text block until we thought they'd make a good ad.

But we all have sort of the same thing: you can scale text (which we couldn't do easily or quickly in the late 1960s), rotate, distort...the possibilities are immense.

It helps to zoom out before you think you're done to see "the color" of the page...where dense areas are, where light ones are, and that they are correct and in the position the deserves attention, or not.

My Best,
