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  1. #1

    Default Uploading a website via FTP to Magix - Can someone help me out?


    I've sent a support ticket to Magix regarding this matter and have already posted a thread regarding this problem, but couldn't get a solution to my problem. My website doesn't show up on either private or public domains on Magix despite what I think are the right files being in there. The index files are present.

    When I explore the web space I have a folder named index_htm_htm folder with mostly png files in. Outside of this I have .html documents, index, txt, xml files.

    I'm really desperate for help here, as I can't see what I'm doing wrong and I fear that the support from Magix may be generic and hopeless for my particular problem. I have a website waiting to go live, so if you can help that would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Uploading a website via FTP to Magix - Can someone help me out?

    Here's what it says on the Xara/Magix site (Steps 3 & 4)

    Upload your website
    You can upload your website to your free MAGIX web space directly from the Publish dialog in Xara Web Designer or Designer Pro. All you have to do is to enter the address of the MAGIX Online World FTP server (ftp.magix-online.com) and your FTP details (your MAGIX Online World email address = FTP username and MAGIX password = FTP password) and upload your website.

    Please Note: The file name of your initial page must be named index.htm or index.html (lowercase letters).
    Your website is now online!
    As soon as all the data from your website is loaded to your online storage space, you may view it on the Web at your Online World web address http://yourname.magix.net/public
    Is this what you did?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Uploading a website via FTP to Magix - Can someone help me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by kasteel77 View Post

    When I explore the web space I have a folder named index_htm_htm folder with mostly png files in. Outside of this I have .html documents, index, txt, xml files.
    I do not have experience with a Magix account but the folder name does not seem right as it should be "index_htm_files". You may have changed your website's "Page filename" (in the Web Properties dialog) to "index.html" and in that case the folder name should be "index_html_files".

    It seems that Zaphodeist's screenshot of the Magix WebFTP control panel for his account (post #8 in the other thread) should be similar to what you see for your account (but note his additional remarks about two folders that you will not have): http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...599#post491599. Of course your other .htm/.html pages would also be listed.

    I quickly looked at your previous thread but could not see whether you looked at the help files and/or .pdf manual that came with your software. If not, take a look at "Publishing to MAGIX Online World (MOW)" in the help or manual index (I have version 9 but suspect that it will be named similarly for your version) as it may give some additional pointers.

    Another possibility is that your website is under review. We just had this with another forum member because of adult content that he had included. This issue may have nothing to do with your situation but perhaps it is useful: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...struction-here. There was also a post in another thread by a Magix administrator explaining that his site was not publicly available pending a review but I cannot find it.




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