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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium


    I hope you can help.

    I have created a multi-page website with a common header and a rectangle (placeholder?) occupying the rest of each page beneath. I have created a gallery in Lightroom and exported it to a folder under the Xara web design folder. When I click on the index.html the page is launched in Firefox so i know it works.

    My problem is, I cannot find a way to incorporate this gallery of photos (index.html) into the rectangle/placeholder on the page.

    If I can get this to work I will populate the other pages with photos on similar galleries with menu links to each page (which does work!).

    I'm sure it must be possible; I just need some help to make it work.

    Any help gratefully received.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    I am having trouble following this (it's probably me, not you). Can you elaborate on your Lightroom gallery. Is it on the web, or is it on your computer? Does the index.html document reference the images, positions, etc.?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Thanks for your response. The website is not yet published, so it is still on my computer. The gallery shows an arrangement of images as produced by Lightroom, with titles, and clicking on any one enlarges it. The index.HTML references the images, positions and actions, etc. When I click on index.HTML in Explorer, the page is launched as a stand-alone page in Firefox. That just means it works and can be launched by the index.HTML. What I want to do is to integrate it within my web layout so it occupies just the rectangle of page space I've allocated to it. I don't know how to do it. I thought I could use a placeholder, but there doesn't seem to be any way of calling the index file that works... or perhaps there is?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Hi ya Tony
    Is this the sort of thing your looking for ....I created a album in lightroom for this site that's just holding at the moment till next year
    If it is I will explain it.... its not difficult at all ....if I can do it you can

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Hi Mike

    As far as I can see, that is about what I want. I would be very pleased to see how you did it. Can you post the details here, or do you need to PM me, if that is possible on this blog/



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    You can create an iframe. The simplest way to do this is to use the Embed a Website widget which is found in the Designs Gallery.

    I have used this on sites to bring in a gallery or slideshow. I am not sure if it will work on your computer though. I think the gallery will have to be published to a website first, Then you enter the URL for the slideshow.

    But it might be worth your while to investigate some of the galleries in Web Designer's Designs Gallery. If you use this approach you don't need an iframe or an external gallery. There are quite a few sizes and shapes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Ok .... in lightroom once you have done your album EXPORT it to a folder called "yourfile"
    Once you have the folder that lightroom has generated copy it and paste it into the "index_htm_files" of your Xara site.

    Make a placeholder on your photo page a bit bigger than you need and in web properties/ placeholder go to "replace with HTML code" (body button).
    and there paste in the code below

    <iframe name=gallery src=index_htm_files/yourfile/index.html width=100% height=100%scrolling=auto frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0></iframe>

    thats it .

    you can change the name of the folder to what ever you want as long as you change it in this code where it says "yourfile"

    In light room I normally keep the page width to around 622px and 4 thumbs across.

    When you preview the photo album it will NOT show up untill you plublish the site.

    See how you get on ...hope I have explained it ok.

    Last edited by mikerawlinson; 19 October 2013 at 11:14 PM.
    Life's too important to be serious
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium


    Many thanks. A job for tomorrow. I will let you know how I get on.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Gary, I think you are correct. The gallery is in my website files on my computer at present, and needs to be referenced. I do not have a URL for it so cannot use the method you refer to, unfortunately.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Incorporating a Lightroom gallery into Xara Web Designer MX Premium

    Hi Mike

    I have followed your method but so far without success. I think I must have some simple thing wrong. Intuitively, I feel the iframe route is correct, but somehow I think I have the syntax wrong. I am getting a message referencing Microsoft Support Services and two white lines on that page of the published site. If you or anyone else can help, please let me know where you think I'm going wrong.

    So near and yet so far.




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