I use duckduckgo.com for privacy and googlebye.com for quick all-in-one searching.
I use duckduckgo.com for privacy and googlebye.com for quick all-in-one searching.
I'm not sure why that has anything to do with a thread about Google!
Because sledger recommended duckduckgo.com (which is what I use as well).
Gary W. Priester
gwpriester.com | eyetricks-3d-stereograms.com | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
Rather OT, I think.
It doesn't matter what search engine you guys use, it's the search engine that people use to find your site that matters.
If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
Avoiding Manual Labour.