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  1. #1

    Default Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    I was able to publish fine up until roughly 100 pages, now the site has 140 and when i try i get multiple errors, out of memory, or access violation errors. I submitted a ticket, but while im waiting/hoping for a response thought maybe others have a work around.

    Here is what i thought about, but haven't tried.

    - I think previewing a page in xara makes a temp file with html/images can i just copy those and ftp those separately without everything falling apart?

    - Make 2 separate .web files 1 with 100 pages of the site, and another with 40 pages. Sense xara seems to put all non html files in the same folder "index_html_files", the 40 page site might need to be uploaded separately via FTP, and then take images from 40 page image folder and upload those into the current index_html_files folder on the server.

    These options seem like they might break the site, but im not sure. For almost all pages on the site, the only items that change are the TEXT AREA, nothing else gets changed from page to page..

    Appreciate any idea's you might have.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    capt, you can always Export locally and then ftp using Filezilla or whatever ftp program you are using.

    Yes, I would recommend you splitting the site.
    If you make a natural break in your site the first half can be published where the first page has name index (normal Xara approach).
    The second half, you must ensure the starting page name is not index (anything will do).
    Both files can be published to the same area and you will have folders called index_htm_files and <name>_htm_files.

    What you then have to do is:
    1. Ensure no two pages in both sections have the same name.
    2. A Repeating object in the first half is copied to the exact same place in the second half and repeated there.
    3. All navigation links, bars and Next & Prev buttons have to address the transition across two sub-sites; you would use Link to Web address with the <page name>.htm (the extension is essential).
    4. A navigation bar has to be created and copied to both (a restatement of Rules 2 & 3).
    5. If an image is used in both halves and is 'guaranteed' to have the same dimensions then give it a filename so the same published asset can be reused.
    if you were to follow this to the extreme of having 140 sub-sites as single web pages, the republishing of content (not navigation) would be down to a single page being altered.
    The downside is if your design is fluid, you have 140 publishes to perform.
    Rule 5 is actually problematic if you have a Navigation bar and you have not given each button on and button off a filename, then the graphics will be separately uploaded for each sub-site, giving a situation almost like a visitor not having any site caching.

    Last edited by Acorn; 04 August 2013 at 06:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    capt, me again.

    A second approach (as you claim only your textarea changes) is to create a master page and sub-pages with the difference textareas.

    The master page has an IFRAME placeholder with a source page to the first textarea page:
    <iframe src="first.htm" width="640px" height="480px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" name="textarea" ><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>
    All textareas fit in the same box size of 640x480.

    A demo site is here: TextArea site.web
    Fewer repeating assets. My three page demo is 80kB and it increased to 92 kB for 40 pages.

    An actual site (early attempt of mine) is here: http://www.stourpaine.info/arttrail.htm

    Last edited by Acorn; 04 August 2013 at 07:56 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    Thanks for the detailed info Acron,

    I didn't use all your suggestions (because im fedup with messing with this site), but i was able to successfully split it into 2 sites.

    -100 pages site 1, 50 and counting site 2.
    -Site 2 name is pagename.htm

    Exported it and it worked perfectly after ftping them. Had a couple crashes from xara because it was counting link changes or something but then it started working fine.

    The issue's i see by doing it the way i chose to are minor to me for a site im not being paid to build.

    1. Xml sitemap is made for only 1 of the sites, but we have internal links that will get indexed fine without any sitemap.
    2. I have a 2nd image folder, so some images will be duplicated, but not worth the time for me to fix

    I was pretty surprised the navigation or interlinking on the site didn't fall apart, so happy enough with the results.
    Thanks for the help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    When you have completed your site, publish without Xara's in-built site map generator and choose another that spiders through your top URL and add that by FTP.
    Here's a free one: http://www.snapsitemap.com/.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    Thanks for the info Acorn, I found the snapsitemap.com would only do 100 pages without upgrading, this is one i have used before
    and It seems to be better in several ways. Faster sitemap creation, and no email required to get the sitemap and will do up to 500 pages.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    capt, me again.

    A second approach (as you claim only your textarea changes) is to create a master page and sub-pages with the difference textareas.

    The master page has an IFRAME placeholder with a source page to the first textarea page:
    <iframe src="first.htm" width="640px" height="480px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" name="textarea" ><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>
    All textareas fit in the same box size of 640x480.

    A demo site is here: TextArea site.web
    Fewer repeating assets. My three page demo is 80kB and it increased to 92 kB for 40 pages.

    An actual site (early attempt of mine) is here: http://www.stourpaine.info/arttrail.htm

    Acorn, me again....

    Your first answer to this posts answers the question I asked you a few minutes ago on another post. Sorry 'bout that.

    This idea - and your demo site - fascinates me.

    Do you just have 1 page on the site - and a way to bring different information into the iframe on that page?

    That would solve a lot of problems for me. Many of my pages are just multi-page articles, or groups of media files - I have a series of 40 half-hour videos that I divided into 10 pages. This would be perfect for them.

    I will keep looking and see if you provided instructions somewhere. I'd sure appreciate if you would point me in the right direction - if I can just change content on a page with buttons that bring up new info via an iframe... wow!

    Thanks again.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Export 140 page site fails - Any work arounds?

    Quote Originally Posted by restless View Post
    I will keep looking and see if you provided instructions somewhere. I'd sure appreciate if you would point me in the right direction - if I can just change content on a page with buttons that bring up new info via an iframe... wow!
    Ed, you get different pages to display within the IFRAME, you can go two routes: easy or hard.
    The easy way is to place all your navigation buttons into the sub-site pages as I did in my demo site.
    All these pages can site within the one Xara file as I uploaded or more sensibly in their own website.
    The far harder way is it use scripting to alter the target of the IFRAME with buttons on the control page; I wouldn't recommend this at all for a Xara solution as there is too much coding involved.
    The zen approach to website building is to use Xara's built-in capabilities.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat



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