The review on Xara Xone of Photo & Graphic Designer 9 (located here) mentions Background Erase.

I am currently trying out Photo & Graphic Designer 9 (using the trial download). However, it only has the Color Select/Erase tool that the review describes as being "similar to Designer Pro X’s Color Select/Erase. With one major exception, Backagound Erase is 10 times better." Is the trial version of P&GD9 different from the full version? If it's not, them I am at a loss as to why the Background Erase does not even exist in the help documentation that I installed with the trial.

Moreover, Designer Pro X9's advanced feature list includes Link Copies. It doesn't exist in the P&GD9 trial either. Is that feature specific to DPX9, found in a different Xara product, or also missing from my trial?

Thank you