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  1. #1

    Question Link to Ancchor & Scrolling Web Page with Fixed Background

    I am using Web Designer 9 Premium and have two issues going on:

    1) I have my background (pasteboard) set to fill the browser and my web site scrolls while the background stays still. It works fine in IE as long as you don't go into "Compatibility Mode".

    2) I have links to anchor that only work when in "Compatibility Mode" of IE.

    QUESTION: Is it possible to have both of these work at the same time in the same mode of IE?

    It sure would be nice not having to sacrifice one or the other. I like the background fixed while the website scrolls and also need to be able to link to anchors. Much appreciate any help given.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Link to Ancchor & Scrolling Web Page with Fixed Background

    You really have to upload your example so others can make a go at helping. That's why you post has been sitting dormant.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Link to Ancchor & Scrolling Web Page with Fixed Background


    Thank you for the response. I submitted a support ticket and have since resolved the problem. Some of my issues was due to having two names, one on the object, then another on the group it was a part. Yes, I had to send the files to support. They were very kind and patient with me. Thanks Xara!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Link to Ancchor & Scrolling Web Page with Fixed Background

    Great it got fixed.
    I always fret when someone asks and there isn't anyone answering as it could be a solution we all need.




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