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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Mahone Bay, NS Canada; Kingston NY

    Default tracing a photo in Ph&GrDesigner 6

    I'm trying to use the app in Win7 to simplify a photo as an enlarged model for a painting. All too often, I get the Win7 "working" doughnut that goes on forever and have to start again, but sometimes I do get a simplified PNG (or JPG). I tap "trace" in the tracing box, and when "insert" appears, I apply it. But what am I inserting? Where is the vector image? Where is (now) the bitmap I've apparently traced? How can I seize the vector image (if there is one) and enlarge it, then convert it to a .png and move it to PhotoShop? Does the photo dpi matter? (I use 180dpi)

    I'm deaf, so a video with sound and no titles is beyond me. But if one of you can provide basic instruction, I'd be grateful.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: tracing a photo in Ph&GrDesigner 6

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    When you trace a photo, Xara creates a whole bunch of vector shapes and when you press Insert the bunch of vector shapes is pasted into the page as a group.

    You can resize the vector group by specifying the desired size on the Infobar Width or Height boxes and pressing Enter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Lisbon, Portugal

    Default Re: tracing a photo in Ph&GrDesigner 6

    Hello Grassgrown,

    The process works like this:
    - inside Xara select the photo you want to trace
    - go to menu Utilites-> Bitmap Tracer...
    - the Bitmap Tracer Dialog appears, use the sliders on bottom to adjust the tracing settings (if needed) and press the trace button
    - when you are happy with the preview, press insert button
    - as soon as you press insert button the vector objects are placed in the canvas as a group, as Gary pointed out
    - you should now have the original bitmap you started with (below) and the new group of vector objects on top
    - if you want to export the traced group as a PNG to insert in Photoshop, select it go to File-> Export PNG...

    If you still have trouble post again.
    Welcome to Talkgraphics




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