I have a question—actually directed at the Filter Forge people. As much as I've promoted the filter (and I realize you've certainly don a lot more), why is it that they appear scarce on the forum, and they let a link expire.

Are we not paying them enough attention? Filter Forger is a one-of-a-kind plug-in and standalone for generating seamless textures of 1.) much better quality/photorealism than Genopal, and rivals Map Zone, except you only get a handful of presets for free with MapZone while FF's treasure trove for free is immense.

Dear Filter Forge people: you have an anxious audience right here at tg, we have 20,000 registered numbers and even if you cut that down to 1/20th active members, you still have 1K members who can be shown exactly what a useful utility this Factory is for the Xara artist.

I'm cc'ing this to one of the engineers.

My Best,
