I totally agree with Gare about the blue. Another thing I noticed that bothers me is the dark brown background on the Xart logo, it is too close in value to the blue check mark and the check mark gets almost lost as a result.
I totally agree with Gare about the blue. Another thing I noticed that bothers me is the dark brown background on the Xart logo, it is too close in value to the blue check mark and the check mark gets almost lost as a result.
Larry a.k.a wizard509
Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.
Larry a.k.a wizard509
Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.
I agree that the middle column seems redundant and find it even confusing. I would suggest to change "Current Value" to "Set Value". To make clear that you can only change the values in the "Set Value" column I suggest adding arrows and padlocks to the respective sliders.
I agree with the comments about the blue interface. It is quite jarring.
I also have a question: what do the pictograms at the bottom of the interface stand for?
When I replied yesterday half of what I wrote got lost. I said that I really liked your ideas and would it be possible to have .XAR file with the buttons.
I attached the .xar file for the above interface mock-up. Sorry that the file is a bit messy because I put it together as I went along.