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  1. #111
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks


    If Grace and Steve decide to keep the icon file out in the open (as it were, not coded into the exe as a resource), then a transparent background could be one of several sizes and variations of the approved con design.

    In Windows, an *.ico file can have different images, as GIF files can. All it takes is an editor, and icon editors are a dime a dozen.

    Another thing to consider is how easily an icon with a transparent background can get lost of a Desktop of an artist who chooses color wallpaper. It's something to contend with: you can't predict who is going to use this utility and where on their system. I have a utility or two that are a PITA to find because the graphic is really small set against a clear background.

    Best of all worlds might be to let the user decide what to display and this can be done with multiple icons inside one file.

    My Best,


  2. #112
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks

    I agree with you on this for the icon, but I was talking about the logo that would be displayed on the form. If you look at the sample Steve submitted you'll see the logo in the upper left-hand corner (the one with the brush that needs to not have a brush) of the form blends in with the rest of the form, but if the form were blue, then it would not blend in.

    The application icon is generally set within the executable when the application is compiled (that is how Windows (and other apps) can determine the icon by just examining the executable) rather than including it as a separate file. One of the reasons for this is "branding". You want users to know what the application is by seeing the icon. If you have multiple icons for your application, you lose the ability for someone walking up to a computer to know that "program x" is there just by seeing the icon on the desktop or taskbar.

    The user can always change the icon that is displayed in Windows just by editing the properties of the "shortcut" that is created for executable.

    Several sizes of the application icon can be included in the executable, but I am unsure of the exact steps to do this as I have never had this need, but I don't believe it is that difficult.


  3. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks

    I agree. If we want to allow a user to change colour, then the logo needs to match that scheme. I think we lock in the shape, but not the colour.
    Quote Originally Posted by EricB View Post
    I am not an artist or graphics person, but I have a suggestion regarding the logo image... try creating it with a transparent background.

    That way, no matter what the background color of the form, the graphic will "blend" (maybe the wrong word) with the application rather than appearing to be stuck on to it.

    I like Rik's icons, but if they were part of a logo image, how would they appear on a red gradient background (or blue or gray, etc.)? Or, if we took the logo from Steve's UI and stuck it on a form without a black/dark grey UI, how would it blend with the form? The same thing goes if the space in the "a" or "r" in XaRT is white, how will it look on a form with a background that is not white?

    This hit me the other day when I saw an app that had a really nice logo and a good UI, but they did not "blend" together, and it appeared like the logo was stuck onto the UI at the last minute. It actually made me think of a printed mockup where someone taped a printed version of the logo where there was a placeholder for it.

    Xara Software XDP11

  4. #114
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks

    If we want to allow a user to change colour

    Is this a requirement that a user would have in a utility they will use once in a blue moon?

  5. #115
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    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks

    Not really, but its fun to do . I think we want to showcase the fact the "we "are designers.
    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    If we want to allow a user to change colour

    Is this a requirement that a user would have in a utility they will use once in a blue moon?
    Xara Software XDP11

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Interface Design and UX Thread - How our App Looks

    In addition, some of us will use the utility a little more often than in a blue moon, and we may need to make it comfortable for our eyes.

  7. #117
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Design a Logo for XaRT

    Eric has implemented Steve's design of the presentation layer (See below). Note that we currently have 3 columns. The left column current value is the one that would be changeable. Startup value would show you what you started with - I am not sure that this column is needed. The last column shows the default values. As it stand right now there is nothing that shows you that you are allowed to change the current value but not the other two. So, we need suggestions. Other suggestions on the layout are welcome.
    Note that we have the "general tab" implemented and I will be working on the other tabs. We do have it connected to the "back end".

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	XART1.jpg 
Views:	771 
Size:	105.1 KB 
ID:	99024
    Xara Software XDP11

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Design a Logo for XaRT

    I love the layout and the graphics.

    I hate, hate, hate the super-intense shade of blue you have currently.

    There's a zillion shades of blue you can use in the gradient. Why not something lighter, less saturated, which would make it more inviting to use and less of a headache/threat/challenge?

    Not enough tonal contrast between the background and the logo.

    Can I assume that delaring new colors is relatively trivial, and won't upset the layout, because I love the layout, very logical, easy to use.

    My Best,


  9. #119
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Design a Logo for XaRT

    Yes, I agree, the blue is too dark and yes- changing colours is easy. I just hadn't bothered as I was working on getting the whole thing running.
    Xara Software XDP11

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Design a Logo for XaRT

    Good, thanks Grace.

    Please bear in mind that when you make a presentation, you need to cater to those of us who are ignorant about coding, and also what a "finished version" looks like.

    When I worked as an art director at an ad agency, we were always careful to keep stuff we'd show to the cloejt rough and sketchy. Because when a print ad looked too polished, the client presumed it was the finished ad.

    Of course, I'm brighter than that. *< 8 O ) <---clown smiley





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