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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Also it appears I had zipped and posted the wrong build
    Thanks. This new version addresses all points that I raised except for one:
    "When I try to set the Off-line Help Path, however, I get the following error message: "TFileOpenDialog requires Windows Vista or later" (I am using XP on my desktop). On the laptop running Windows 7 I can set the path."

  2. #12

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    I'll refer that one to John.. Thanks..

  3. #13

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Try this one, Boy?
    Better in XP?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Alexandria, VA, USA

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Thank you Steve & John (Covoxer) for all of your efforts.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Surrey UK

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Thanks to you both for this, a great tool and worthy successor.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    I was going to send you a screen shot yesterday, but TG would not co-operate on the upload. I checked again this morning and everything worked fine. I have a new Dell XPS-18 tablet and I guess I did something to it to screw up the sizing, I noticed that my Outlook had also shrunk. I think the culprit is one of my games. Some always shrank stuff on my old Windows 7 PC. However, all the windows were resizable , so I could just resize them. Note that exiting and restarting XaREg2 did not solve the problem. I will play with is some more this afternoon.
    QUOTE=sledger;475656]Hi Grace,

    Which 'form' are you referring to?

    Do you mean application window resizing?
    This is not possible in any version of XaReg.

    Can you post a screenshot?
    Or perhaps your download transfer was corrupted, try downloading again?

    Xara Software XDP11

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Try this one, Boy?
    Better in XP?
    Yes, this one works fine. Thanks for the quick fix.

    I have a request for the lists editors. I would like to add values to the drop-down lists other than those that are already included. For instance, line width 0.75 pt, 3 pt and 40 pt etc. Would it be possible for a user to add a completely customized string of values? Would be great!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
    I have a request for the lists editors. I would like to add values to the drop-down lists other than those that are already included. For instance, line width 0.75 pt, 3 pt and 40 pt etc. Would it be possible for a user to add a completely customized string of values? Would be great!
    You can add whatever you want. All values in the list are editable. Click on the value and text cursor will appear. Type in any number you like.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Oops, missed that one completely. Very nice implementation and I like the updated UI. Thanks again, guys!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: [New] XaReg 2.1 released

    Was tweaking with the latest 2.1 version
    The list options for linewidths
    Setting new lines work but reverting back doesn't?.
    All altered widths with decimals are now whole numbers ie;
    0,25px now reads 25px,...



    Changed in regedit and used points instead of commas between the numbers and it reverted nicely.




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