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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Exclamation Soquili Font: ready to proceed!!!

    Okay, I bashed myself over this for two days straight and I think I have some materials that need tracing, so we can make the Soquili TG font a reality now.

    First, let's backtrack because this thread has been static for a while. The Soquili tg font will consist of 26 characters, each character will be one frame of a horse galloping. So people who use this font can make nice borders and such for rodeos and horse shows, whatever, but if they use the Animation Frame Gallery, and type successive characters on each frame, the result will be the animation I have here, except it'll be black and white only.

    Now excuse any flaws in continuity because I can't get it much better. 26 is a weird number for frames, and the tail and mane are a little crude, because I drew these mostly without guides in After Effects. The tail certainly could use tapering at the ends of the strands, but you all will get the general idea:

    I'm also attaching four zip files. Each one contains a frame, a JPEG that's 1280 by 720 (a 720p video, in digital measurements).

    I'm not in charge of this project, but I figure the way this can go is: take a zip file. Each one contains 6 or 7 JPEGs. You don't have to do all 6, but it's a good idea to report in this thread which frames you volunteer to do.

    Closed paths only, please. A font is one color, and we usually consider this to be black. White comes in where there is no path, it's transparent, just like holds in shapes you create.

    Now this is a big "perhaps": perhaps instead of repeating the 26 glyphs for upper and lowercase, you draw the corresponding shadow, so each shadow—like for G and for g, corresponds. You could make a really neat animation with a black horse and a light grey shadow, you know? It's more work, I'll let the group decide.

    Once I've downloaded the results of this group tracing (you upload your work as a Xara file as an attachment here), I will review them, do a little tweaking in Font Lab for the sake of visual continuity, and in a few days I'll post the font and all the paperwork for it to be a SIL piece of work we can all be proud of being a part of. And a very loving tribute to Bill "Soquili" Taylor.

    This one's for you, Billy J.

    My Best,

    Attached Files Attached Files




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