Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
Cheers Gary, I couldn't work on yours as it was to difficult to back engineer the animation but I think this is what you may find helpful. There are a couple of warnings on export but it doesn't seem to effect the final results. To grasp a lot of what's happening it's best to view each frame in wire-frame.
Thanks for the insight and work, Egg. I really have no intention of a "repeat performance", because the little art experiment was validation enough that an off-centered group of shapes could be rotated around a central point if you use an invisible circle as the parent shape.

I originally got the idea after seeing a bunch of novel puzzles and got to wondering why there aren't circular puzzles. And I didn't want the animation to fully artistically resolve itself; creating and setting up the art was a nightmare I don't want to repeat!

My Best,
