
The best we can expect from ourselves and from other is to at least try at something.

An honest "try" makes you feel good, too!

And an "Artist" is nothing less and nothing more than "one who is immersed in the practice of creating Art." So you might feel your work is not as polished as others? Don't refuse to call yourself an artist because of this.

There's Good Art.
There's Outstanding Art.
There's Poor Art.
There is no such thing hanging on a wall that is Not Art.

Be good to yourself DCAHall. Be accurate in the way you describe your efforts. Words affect the way we think... as the flip side of what we think gives rise to words.


I will try to get the transcript for this month up as soon as. I would expect this to come in handy, seeing as the tute this month runs over 10 minutes.

By the way, Frances, I am completely at the whim of the Muses when it comes to what I cover versus how many minutes it takes to document it on video. I'll begin with a topic, a concept, and without fail, I'll say to myself going in, "Oh, this will run 5 minutes, 6 tops"...and it doesn't.

The good news (hopefully) is that I took my time and honestly paced the tute this month, perhaps explaining why it ran as long as it did. Apparently, you (and I hope others) were able to follow it.

My Best,
