Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
Acorn, could you please show an example of how you make use of this feature?
Away from home presently so just a small taster.
You need to examine each object's Name and then open the Page's HTML Code (Head) Placeholder to see CSS and jQuery manipulations.

With a little CSS, you could "frame" all your pictures, have them at opacity 40% until you click on them to come back up to full glory.
All doable in Xara but requires more graphic and layer manipulations, which are not truly scalable.

Rotating text, however, was something someone asked for recently and now it stays as text.

I agree that was all possible before but as there were only IDs, nesting of them failed; classes can be grouped more easily.
Classes also mean that one CSS change alters all items with that class name.

jQuery allows you to make your pages much more interactive.

A classy show.web
