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  1. #1

    Default Need help with understanding mobile and ipod friendly site


    Can somebody explane to me what I need to do so that my web site can be seen from smartfones and ipods? Do I have to create antoher copy of my site that is optimized for these two so when user with smartphone enters my site it sees that I have mobile site as well and opens it up automatically or how it works?

    Also I have Designer Pro 6, do I need to upgrade to get some new features related to mobile web sites or not?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Need help with understanding mobile and ipod friendly site

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    I think it makes sense to create a mobile version of your website. I like to work with a width of 480 pixels. Make your buttons and your text larger and keep your images to a minimum. Simple is better for a small format and will load faster than just reproducing your entire site as is.

    There are scripts to redirect visitors who are using mobile devices to your mobile site, or you can add a QR code to your home page that visitors can scan with their smart phone to go to your mobile site.



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