For anyone that is interested, the Yiynova MSP19U is a 19" interactive pen display that is similar to the Wacom Cintiq. The huge difference is in the price. The 22" Wacom Cintiq retails for $1999 and the Yiynova MSP19U sells for $569 on Amazon. I ordered one for an early Christmas present to myself. I assume it will work well with Xara. Definitely a steal at this price for what you get.

Written Review:
MSP19U Review

Video Reviews:
PhotoShop Demo Review

Manga Studio Demo Review

ArtRage Demo Review

BTW, there are 2 models the MSP19 and MSP19U. They both are for Mac and Windows even though on the website they are pushing the 19 for Windows and the 19U for Mac's. The 19U has the newer drivers that fixed some jitter problems experienced on the MSP19 model. In other words regardless of which operating system you run, Mac or Windows, the MSP19U is what you want to purchase even though it is a little more expensive then the MSP19. At least that is what has been explained to me so far.