Older thread I know... BUT for those dealing with exports to .psd and want to keep it easy editing.

Illustrator is required for this!

When dealing with export to .psd, .ai, etc..

Make sure you have you layers properly done and in place.

Photoshop will flatten/rasterize the layers, so any object that will need editing will need to be on its own layer.

Another Option

One thing I like to do is:

1. While working in Xara, creating my layers as I go. I do this even when I know I will be natively working in Xara. It keeps me doing and forces good habits and you never know fi you will need to take into PS or another program.

2. Export your image(s) to .ai "Illustrator". Open in Illy - Copy the image or layer group - paste in Photoshop as Smart Object.

Now you will have a smart object that is vector that you can easily edit.

Here are some links from Adobe:

Creating Smart Object -

Editing Smart Object -

Main Search page "Smart Object -
