Hi guy's I'm trying to build an efficient library for my 3D file collection to help optimize workflow.

I have approximately 3000 files and most aren't named appropriately & can't be identified by their name alone so I'm required to load them one at a time into a Modeler EG: Lightwave/Zbrush etc to see what the file/object actually is, then I rename it accordingly then export it. The problem with this method is that I have thousands of the suckers to go, a daunting, frustrating, laborious, time consuming pain in the butt!

I almost had the perfect solution with a program "3D Shell Extension" which displays 3D thumbnails in Windows Explorer just like png & jpeg are shown. This would have been awesome because I could have renamed the files right there & then & set the folder to sort alphabetically & wallah! but I simply couldn't get it to work even after thoroughly following instructions, trauling the Web & even asked W7 forums but eventually had to contact 3D Shell customer support via email, receiving no real help besides the "Is the Computer turned on" type responses!

Since then I have tried several freeware & open source viewers that display a preview along with basic properties/info, size & type etc but none allow me to Rename, Move or Copy the files making it as efficient as the previous method above.

If can anyone offer a suggestion/solution/workaround/website or know of a program/software similar to the "3d shell extension" that can show thumbnail previews of your 3D files in Windows explorer, I'd be seriously, seriously grateful,

all the best and thankyou for your time.