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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    In the past, I was able to use Magix audio player widgets to insert a player and audio files to my site. It was simple, free, with no problems. With DP7, when I go to the media widgets, log in to Magix, it takes me to the "create new widget" window, stating I need to upload content, which in this case would be an audio file. But, when I click on the "upload content" only a white screen comes up with nothing and I'm at a dead end. Am I correct to assume the Magix audio player widgets are no longer available via DP7 or am I missing something?

    Moving on, I located and download a free player called "JW Player" that has what seems to be very basic instructions to insert the player into a site. However, I know nothing about code, or where they are instructing me to insert code or the player, or the audio file itself, etc. I really like the drag/drop simplicity of Xara, and I would appreciate any advice on how to get a player inserted into my web site like "the good old days."

    I looked on YT and located several tutorials, but, when I tried to follow along with my Xara project, I got lost, nothing matched. I'm on Win 7 and using DP7. All advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Yahoo WebPlayer might be worth a look
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Thanks for your response,
    I looked at the files you attached with the Yahoo player, and the player is located in the lower left corner. I moved your placeholder to the middle of the page thinking the player would show up there, but it didn't, it stayed in the left corner. I don't know how to move the player to the area of the page that I want it.

    Here is a page I built last year inserting the Magix audio player widget that was soooooo easy.

    I tried to copy/use this same player on my new page. I went to the placeholder on the above page, copied the HTML code(body) and then went to my new page, made a placeholder, went to web properties > placeholder > pasted this code on the HTML code(body) > applied >ok> When I preview, the player is perfect, but of course plays the audio it came copied with, which needs to be replaced with a different file. Next, I re-selected that player > link > select Link to file > browse and locate the audio file I want to play instead > apply > OK. When I preview, the page comes up and the player looks and is located perfect. I hit play and a Quicktime logo flashes, then a new window opens with a different player and the audio starts automatically. In the past, I knew where to go to change "true" to "false" so that audio/video files would not start automatically and would not loop. However, I now can't locate in the Web Properties>placeholder>HTML code where to change this. Also, how do I stop the QT logo from flashing, a new window opening and then a completely different player shows up? (but this player is playing the correct file, so I'm hopeful)

    I know I am close to getting this, but I'm just missing a link or simple detail someplace. Thanks for your patience and help.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Quote Originally Posted by Pattie View Post
    In the past, I was able to use Magix audio player widgets to insert a player and audio files to my site. It was simple, free, with no problems. With DP7, when I go to the media widgets, log in to Magix, it takes me to the "create new widget" window, stating I need to upload content, which in this case would be an audio file. But, when I click on the "upload content" only a white screen comes up with nothing and I'm at a dead end. Am I correct to assume the Magix audio player widgets are no longer available via DP7 or am I missing something?
    Hi Pattie, I have no problems using this widget, make sure your Flash Player and Internet Explorer is up to date.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Thanks for your response.

    To try something else, I tried to use Magix again, via Xara6. I signed in like I always do, located the player I wanted, added the audio file, then when I tried to insert, it said I needed to have an account, which I already do because I was already signed in to get that far in the first place. Yes, my Flash is up to date and I've tried IE and Google Chrome, but it makes no difference. Being a videographer/editor not a webmaster, I have no problem using the Xara software, I love it! Though I've tried to better understand uploading website files, I'm not getting it. With Magix audio player, I chose what I wanted and it made the connections between the audio file, the player and the website for me. Now, I can get a free player on my site, I just do not understand how I get the audio file connected to that player. When I read I'm supposed to have the audio file sitting someplace(?) so I can then link it to the player, I don't know how/where to actually put the audio file nor how to link it any differently than the way I currently do. I realize this is basic to everyone here, but I'm googling and experimenting trying to figure out what I'm not doing.

    I appreciate your help, if you have additional advice, I'd appreciate it.


  6. #6
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    OK, I've made progress, but still not there yet. I am able to get a player into a practice site here. www.thenextsunrize.com

    I used and followed these directions: http://www.labnol.org/internet/desig...websites/2232/

    I use Filezilla to upload my site. I made sure the site has been updated and Filezilla is refreshed. My MP3 file is also sitting on my remote site in the same folder as my player in the Index_htm_files. On the right side column of Filezilla, in the Index_htm_files, I locate and right click on the mp3 file I want to play and choose the option to "copy URL to clipboard."

    Next, in my Xara practice project, I right click the player > web properties > placeholder > and replace with HTML code is already selected, so I go to HTML code(body) > in the body of the code, per the instructions, I hilight this: MP3_FILE_URL then paste the URL to my mp3 that I just copied into it's place, being careful to not include more than I should. Xara acts like it's processing the info, but then when I preview, the player is there, turns on and off, but you can see on the time that there is nothing playing.

    What step am I missing, where is my mistake? Thank you very much for your advice, it is greatly appreciated.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Try this

    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=http://thenextsunrize.com/index_htm_files/Xara%20audio%20test%20file.mp3" src="http://www.google.com/reader/ui/3523697345-audio-player.swf"  width="400" height="27" quality="best"></embed>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    Thank you, that works!
    I compared the mp3's address code you inserted to what I inserted and I see the difference. Please tell me the steps how to locate the code for the real address you inserted. Thank you again for your patience and help.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Inserting a basic audio player and file to site

    This might not be what you want or already something you've tried. It depends on if you are adding a single track or you want a jukebox type player. If its a single track all I do is just drag an MP3 file to the page. The drawback of this is that for multipul tracks you would have to have multipul players which can be a little untidy.



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