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  1. #11

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Hi Arsov.

    I really like the header graphics on the Spletni RED site. Also the soft graphics in the left and right borders.

    I did notice a spelling error in "15% discount for paying in advence" (it should be advance).

    Hope this helps!
    _____/ Regards,
    ____/ al

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Thanks, will check this miss spelling word.... the header graphic is from one of those sites that offer graphic for free.

    btw...in the mean time I remade the whole spletniRed, ( at least Slovenian part www.spletnired.net , looks a bit cleaner and more appealing and in a last few days I also did the design for www.ph-red.net - our family company.

  3. #13

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Hi Arsov

    Good job on the sites.

    Ok I am going to go out on a limb here as I know nothing about Xara Web Designer, however looking at your page in Firebug I can see your 'mouse over' layer div (id="xr_xo3" with lots of darker coloured buttons etc) that has visibility set to hidden in CSS.

    However, you have an empty div before that (with id="xr_xo0") which has a CSS z-index of -1 (z-index specifies the stack order of an element). When I move my cursor over your buttons this div's z-index dynamically changes to 100 (via JavaScript); ie going above other elements, such as your button 'off state' images.

    Sorry for all the technical stuff, but what this suggests is that you have another 'mouse over' layer which is being referenced by the JavaScript, but it is empty of graphics; and so your actual 'mouse over' layer (lower down the page with the images in) isn't doing anything. I tested this (in Firebug) by swapping the id names over (between these two divs) and then your button mouse over effect started working fine. Hopefully, someone who knows about Xara Web Designer can suggest a fix to remove what is presumably an erroneous 'mouse over' layer?

    Also and on a minor note, you have a small bug in your CSS where it states for the body tag - "body {background-repeat-x; background-attachment:fixed;}", which is in the head tag of the page. However, the first part should read: "background-repeat: repeat-x;"

    Unless this is some new CSS3 shorthand, that I've not come across before. Anyway, the declaration was dropped by Firefox and reverted to the default - repeat on both x and y axis, just a heads up.

    Hope this is helpful.


    "If there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life." - Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Thanks Su, it is very helpful.

    CSS bug is my fault, as I combined two different sources and obviously made it in a wrong way. It is a part of a code that I putted in a placeholder. Will fix it during the weekend.

    Regarding the mouse off function, I'm aware of that but not sure how to fix that as this is done with layers in Xara WD and it should be fixed inside the editor and not in a exported code.

    The problem is that the actual order of layers in editor is the same order as it is in exported file - I simply made a layer for that floating fb, youtube side menu as it was suggested here on the forum and if I put that layer under the mouse off layer everything is out of place. ( but maybe that's happened coz I miss spelled this background part in a head? ....Will try to change this and will see what will happened.

    Thanks again and will let you know if this will fix the issue.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Huh.. finally fixed all issues. /( at least I hope so )

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page

    Your site looks very nice now!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: My home page and my web design page





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