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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9

    I'll make you and Ernie a deal:

    You start a new thread, and I'll be one of the first to post my suggestions, okay?


  2. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9

    Do you mean Csehz's Features Wish List for version 10? No, no, that sounds too weak to have any weight and result in the next version

    It should be with your name definitely to have again 20000 visitors

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lam, Bavaria-Germany

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9

    Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
    Hi Ernie!

    Where's Bert?

    As far as Auto-Trace goes in Xara:

    • It's about as accurate as CorelDRAW and even if it was totally useless (which it isn't), it's still free.

    I've not tried Po Trace yet, but I just downloaded it.

    Professionally (or at least to get stuff done quickly), I own the desktop version of Vector Magic, which does a wonderful job of posterizing and tracing bitmaps.

    I confess I'd like a Gradient Mesh feature like Illustrator, but between feathering and transparency, you can do an aweful lot of complex shading without the feature (I'd still like it, though).

    My Best,


    P.S. I think I should change the name of this thread to "Version 10 requests", huh?
    Hi Gary,

    I own VectorMagic too. But isn't so good for me like Inkscape with Po-Trace. Po-Trace is much better and precziser then all other stuff incl. Illy, Corel or Serif, for monochromatic bitmaps and lines.
    Better is the abyllity You can copy and paste the trace from Inkscape directly to Xara as EMF with full beziere curves.

    And YES let us write a new list. If I found time I will post my wishes in a list.

    Greets from Krautland


  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9


    I'm going to have to try this open source bitmap tracer!

    @csehz—you are far too modest, sir.

    I can see it now:

    The Official Czech-List for Version 10!

    Okay, that was a play on words and it's a little funnier if you say it instead of reading it.


  5. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9

    Thanks Gary that would be a great honor to see the topic like that, but I am afraid I will have to learn a lot of from your tutorials to make the Csehz brand so respectable Really safer would be branded with your name as was at 9, it is evidence that Xara users would have the extra attention on it.

    Well Czech-List that is almost Check-list if that has some meaning Or maybe sounds like the wish list of Czech Republic Xara users, well that is already Eastern-Europe and like that, quite close to the Csehz.. :-)

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Bouton's Features Wish List for version 9


    (Laughing out of Lithuania!)





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