Love to make it that simple, urednik.

FIRST: I need legal language to put in the typeface. Gang, we did this before with tg RoundHead. Will someone please volunteer to write the stuff so I can put it in the font's data page?

THEN: This is going to be marked as a TalkGraphics cooperative effort, so I want to pass it around before it goes public. someone has a problem with the typeface, inlcuding you, urednik, you let me know and then we go live with it. Urednik, you understand that tghis is not "law" stuff, but "pride"? We want the world to notice that we did a good job for you.

Angelize, anything else?

Frank, I take it I can add the data to your font and we're cool?

Urednik: time frame? If I can get the legal language and okays in the next 8 hours, you can probably have the font, along with other people, tomorrow. Frank has done the hard work. All that is left is some coding.

