A little while back I was asked how to remove the navigation and dots from the Nivo slider. For the life of me I can't find that thread so I'll post the solution here

After the design is exported, edit index_htm_files/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js with your favourite text editor.

At line 672 change it to read directionNav: false,

At line 674 change it to read controlNav: false,

Don't forget to save.

Your Nivo slider is now stripped of all navigation and dots It will however be overwritten when you next export your design. A partial solution to this is to make the Nivo slider a site all on its own and display it within an iframe in the main site. If named something like "slider.htm" instead of "index.htm" the accompanying folder will be named accordingly i.e. "slider_htm_files" and will allow you to edit the main site without having to worry about disturbing the slider code.

N.B. Complete all your in editor changes for the slider before altering the code manually.