I had a blue screen last week when shutting down my computer which fried my custom-stereograms website which had been done in NetObjects Fusion 11-12.

I took that as a sign that it was time to redo the site in a real Web Design program. So here is the July 2012 Designer Pro X version of www.Custom-Stereograms.com I cannot tell you how much better it is to be able to do everything from design to publish in one program. But I don't need to tell you that, do I?

The slide show was created with Visual Slideshow and works on all browsers and mobile devices including iOS. I had a bit of a glitch with the animation and their tech support was excellent.

I did my own drop down menu on the Gallery menu. I have never been very happy with the Nav bar sub menus.

I created a layer for the menu and then separate layers for each of the galleries with links to each gallery.