Hi Angelize. Your site displays well on my iphone. Contrary to some others, I like your cyan theme on the site. Its quite vivid on my ipad and iphone and looks very nice indeed. Don't forget to change the subdomain on the mobile site. It is still showing as jbwrought-iron-nsw, or something like that.

I think the site is not properly centred (that is, it doesn't fully display a letter here and there) because I made the template 343 px and I think it should be 340 exactly, so anyone using the template may like to take that into consideration, although it is no big deal to tap the screen. Phone users are use to tapping, pinching, zooming out etc and you only have to tap it the one time to then be able to scroll with all text visible and readable.

I am now making mobile sites for all the sites I am making. Apparently they were outmoded about 2 years ago because a lot of software actually has code inbuilt to recognise if a visitor is using a mobile. But a lot of visitors like to see the whole site first and then choose whether to go mobile or not. Hence the return to the old fashioned button (or so my lecturers would have me believe!). Abi