
I have been using a point-and-shoot camera with tripod and photo tent to build my gallery on my website (www.stoppersnstuff.net). I continue to be really unhappy with the coloring coming out of the camera (I know that this is not what the p&s cameras are meant for). I would really like to buy a beginner's DSLR that will take truer colored photographs and works well on closeups (within the photo tent). I have been looking at Nikon D3100, D5100, and the Canon rebel t3i. But the problem that I have been reading about is that the standard lens that comes with all of these cameras are not suited for closeups. I realistically spend at least 10 minutes a photo, using Corel Photoshop X4, trying to get the colors more realistic.

I would really appreciate any recommendations that anyone has about which is a better camera to start out with as well as the type of lens I would need to get if I was just buying the camera box and getting the lens separate.

I am hoping to take some camera classes this summer at a local community college after purchasing the camera.

Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.
