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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Unhappy I have failed to embed a Google Map

    I hope that someone knows a work around. ( I am using MX Premium on an XP machine)

    What I have tried is:

    1. Used Google Chrome to browse to Google Maps
    2. Found and displayed the map that I want using the normal web page tools
    3. Clicked on the Customize and Preview embedded map link.
    4. Highlighted the code in the panel at the foot of this page.
    5. Tried both Ctrl C and Right click Copy to copy the code to the clipboard
    6. Gone back to Web Designer, dragged the Google Maps widget on to the page where I am to place it.
    7. I didn't know what to put in the Marker address and Marker Title fields so I left them blank
    8. Repeatedly tried to paste and re paste by recopying the code from the Google maps page.
    9. I have discovered that nothing that I can do will persuade the text to appear in the box. I do notice that when I click in the box I don't get the usual editing caret but a character sized flashing blue rectangle.

    Is it me or is it the software. This is so frustrating!

    Hoping that some one has noticed what I am doing wrong.

    All the best...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: I have failed to embed a Google Map

    Hi Theo

    All of this can seem daunting and overwhelming. Even when you have done it for some time.

    Try this method. (I am assuming you are using Web Designer 6 as listed on your profile)

    Open the Page and Layer Gallery. Open the Other Widgets folder and drag and drop the Google maps widget onto the page.

    Enter the address for the map. This can be a street address, city, state, and postal code, or just a city, state and postal code. But it must be an address that Google can locate.

    The widget will generate the map.

    Click the link icon in the widget (to the right of the printer icon)

    Highlight the script in the Paste HTML to Embed in Website text entry box. Press Ctrl c (to copy to the clipboard)

    Press Insert. The map will take a few moments to generate on the page.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Re: I have failed to embed a Google Map

    1. open Web Designer and load the document in which you wish to insert the widget
    2. open the Design Gallery and expand Page Elements > Other widgets folder
    3. Drag drop the Google Map widget within document. This will cause the internal browser window to open and direct you to the Google Map service
    4. Scroll down to the Maps Element section.
    5. Set the size, type, address and title for your map.
    6. You can drag on the map and zoom in/out to get it how you would like.
    7. When you are happy with it, click the Insert button to add the widget to your page.

    The internal browser window will close and the widget will be inserted within your page.

    Note: each widget contains a Help button which provides instructions on how to insert the widget in question

    Many thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kington, Herefordshire. I used to live on a boat on the English waterways

    Default Re: I have failed to embed a Google Map

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Hi Theo

    All of this can seem daunting and overwhelming. Even when you have done it for some time.

    Try this method. (I am assuming you are using Web Designer 6 as listed on your profile)

    Open the Page and Layer Gallery. Open the Other Widgets folder and drag and drop the Google maps widget onto the page.

    Enter the address for the map. This can be a street address, city, state, and postal code, or just a city, state and postal code. But it must be an address that Google can locate.

    The widget will generate the map.

    Click the link icon in the widget (to the right of the printer icon)

    Highlight the script in the Paste HTML to Embed in Website text entry box. Press Ctrl c (to copy to the clipboard)

    Press Insert. The map will take a few moments to generate on the page.
    I have only just changed my profile. In fact I am using MX. Does that make a difference?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: I have failed to embed a Google Map

    It's basically the same.

    Enter a physical address (Marker Address), and a title (Marker Title) (optional).

    Scroll down to the bottom of the widget window, highlight the iframe script, copy (Ctrl c) to the clipboard and press Insert.



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