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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Liverpool, NY

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi Folks,

    I asked the tech support folks at Xara to take a look at this thread and here is what they recommend you do:

    FontInstall.exe is included within the installation directory of PGD2013 and other Xara programs. If it was corrupted in any way then its best for the user to reinstall the program rather than obtaining the executable from a third party source. (A user elsewhere had recommended a third party dll service.)

    FontInstall.exe is used by the program to register fonts only when an elevation warning is shown. Another routine within the actual program is called when no elevation is shown.

    If a user is having problems installing fonts then they could try disabling UAC to see if this affects the problem.

    Regarding Artyboots, his issue doesn’t seen specific to Xara software. I think the advice Barbara posted is worth following, failing that it could be a problem with his windows 7 installation.
    Hope this helps.
    Barbara Bouton
    TalkGraphics Forum Administrator

    The Xara Xone website developer. | TheBoutons.com

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Thanks Barbara. I've tried everything, and am going to try reinstalling xara again later.

    I know I have some kind of video problem with this kit - I ordered my own spec and had it built. But I cannot catch the error message, and the screen always comes back up, and it only happens rarely. So I just cant face packing up a giant PC that I use every day and sending it back to the dealer. Perhaps one day, if work calms down.

    Btw Artyboots is not a he.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Berne, Switzerland

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi everybody
    Since today I have the same problem as Artyboots. A very, very unpleasent thing. I'm working with Xara since Version 1 and until now I had only few problems (beside the imperfect CMYK-support). Until today everything went fine with using fonts. I have a new Win7-64bit-PC since July 2012. Suddenly a lot of fonts (about 10%) started to make problems. They still show up in the Fonts Gallery but without preview. In the Font Menu there is white space where the font-name should be. If I open a file that contains text formated with one of these font, the text doesn't show up any more. I couldn't find any error message like "missing fonts" and until now I didn't found out why all this happens. Many of the fonts are Adobe fonts, but there also others (for instance DIN by FontShop and Museo by exlibris). Although I can't use them in Xara (Vers. 5 and Vers. 7 Pro), I can use all the fonts in other programs without any problems (for instance Word 2010, PhotoShop CS 5.5 etc.) . That's why I don't think it has something to do with the OS but with Xara (probably an imperfect support for Win 7 64-bit). After using Xara almost every day for more than 10 years , I'm not willing to to look for another and better graphic program. So please help me.
    Many thanks for any advice you can give me

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Berne, Switzerland

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    The Problem is solved and Microsoft, not Xara is to blame.

    The solution: Uninstall the Security Update Nr. KB2753842
    More infos: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...Products/page2

    this saved my day

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Hi there

    there is a talkgraphics thread about the KB2753842 update here:

    the issue Ali [artytboots] had/has may be similar, but not the same, as it dates back to March - well before that update

    it is wrong to blame Microsoft, or at the very least it is too simplistic a viewpoint to do so as things stand, as discussed in the other thread

    EDIT - ok you have read that thread - as you linked to it in your second post - I missed that, sorry

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    I am going to throw this experience out there as a possible solution. I am a computer technical support specialist that has been in web design for 10+ years and was baffled for about 30 min with this same type of issue. I had two different font that I wanted to install on my less than 1 month old Win 7 64bit system. I downloaded these free fonts from the web and tried to install. No matter the method Right-Click, open and install, drag and drop I could not get these fonts to install. It would look as though it was working and then nothing would show up in C:/Windows/Fonts/. I disabled AV software and was also an admin on the machine.

    SOLUTION: My fonts I wanted to install were on a network drive ( in my cas it was a network accessable storage NAS) but I am sure this could apply to other network drives. When I dropped the font onto my desktop and THEN tried to install. IT WORKED. Thanks Microsoft. Ugh! I hope this helps someone.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Fonts not installing properly, and not sticking in Windows 7 64 bit

    Quote Originally Posted by cspyker View Post
    I am going to throw this experience out there as a possible solution. I am a computer technical support specialist that has been in web design for 10+ years and was baffled for about 30 min with this same type of issue. I had two different font that I wanted to install on my less than 1 month old Win 7 64bit system. I downloaded these free fonts from the web and tried to install. No matter the method Right-Click, open and install, drag and drop I could not get these fonts to install. It would look as though it was working and then nothing would show up in C:/Windows/Fonts/. I disabled AV software and was also an admin on the machine.

    SOLUTION: My fonts I wanted to install were on a network drive ( in my cas it was a network accessable storage NAS) but I am sure this could apply to other network drives. When I dropped the font onto my desktop and THEN tried to install. IT WORKED. Thanks Microsoft. Ugh! I hope this helps someone.
    Youre a legend...I cant beleive after 4 hours the solution was that easy!!! Knock yourself out everyone...it works!!



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