This may have been requested before or available before in previous versions (I don't recall), but I am making this request anyway.
I believe there was some debate in the past regarding the SVG format in general.
I haven't had a much of need for this before but now I do.
I am getting map requests and have found that GIS can produce maps (and they can be very complex) quite easily and export them to SVG.
That said, GIS can't do somethings well that a standard vector app like Xara or Illustrator can do (labeling, drop shadows, gradients, etc.).
I'd prefer to use Xara for enhancing the maps rather than Illustrator (especially since Xara has a scale option).
The Illustrator SVG import filter maintains the GIS layers which is a very important feature.
Hopefully, if an SVG import filter is considered, it would also be able to recognized layers.