Hey all. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the loss of a serial number when re-installing?

I upgraded from Xara 3 to Xara 5 & I'm sure I used the X3 serial number for X5. The problem is that I have (a) disposed of the X3 CD & case, (b) Have upgraded my PC hence the need to reinstall, and (c) I have changed my ISP (email address included) since I purchased X3.

I contacted the help desk & they tried to see if I'd registered under my old email address for verification, but it appears I hadn't...and, that's when the support seems to have stopped.

If, and I'm sure it's correct, I haven't registered either of the versions, does anyone know of a way, or experienced a solution to get the program running again? I'm more than happy to upgrade again if need be, but I don't want to run into the same problems.