Don't mind at all! I think you got a very nice soft denim design here. If the round part is meant to be a flap then it OK, but if it is a pocket then I think your shadow is a bit off. I especially like the button, and the small tag gives that small extra touch.
Paul the Gnurfmeister!
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OK, here comes a minitutorial on how to create your own Xara Denim in ten easy steps. But before you start, a word of warning: Save often! There's a bug in latest Xara Designer that makes Fractal plasma fill crash Xara totally. When you resize and play around with Fractal plasma, make sure you drag the handles (if you miss a handle when for example rotating, you'll crash XD). Or use Fractal clouds instead, which works fine.
Last edited by gnurf; 18 January 2012 at 09:33 AM. Reason: typ
Paul the Gnurfmeister!
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Hi Gnurf, Im unable to cause the crash to occur when playing around with the fractal Plasma. Do you have a xar file saved where we could simply alter the rotation of the fractal Plasma in order to cause the crash to occur? Also does it only occur at a particular zoom value?
Thanks for that mini-tutorial Paul.
Larry a.k.a wizard509
Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.
The crash always occur when I resize the fractal plasma while NOT dragging the handles, no matter what file or zoom value. I have not had the time to test it on Win 7, only Win Vista 64-bit. See my video screen grab here where I compare the OK fractal clouds vs. the crashing fractal plasma:
Paul the Gnurfmeister!
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Hi, Can you confirm your revision number by selecting help followed by About Designer Pro
Impressive work, Gnurf, to say the least, and thanks for the tutorial
Sven-Ingvar O
Excellent mini-tut, gnurf. I doff my (denim) cap to you!
Very good drawing from you too hakoo!
If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
Avoiding Manual Labour.