Paul the Gnurfmeister!
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I hope you don't mind me dropping in but I have a similar problem. When zooming to 200 or over looking at the shape I'm working on, which has a fractal plasma fill and a transparency, they both get dis-placed so I have to zoom out to either drag the shape slightly or click undo and they both jump back in place so I end up trying to work on the shape at 75 or 100% zoom and when I do this I get the error as occured message. I do have the file I was working on so please see if it happens for you. My product is G.D. CD Oct7 2011.
stygg2003, sometimes when I zoom in at 500% I see what appears to be tape strips holding the box together when I move it then it goes away. is this what you are referring to.
lets start a new thread so we don't hijack this one or you can pm me.
Larry a.k.a wizard509
Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.
Larry I've started a new thread so as not to hijack this one, and uploaded three images. The new thread is "Fractal Problem".
I saw that link and thought, year, piece of cake in Xara. Mr. Gnuff proved the point.
My only comment is the threads look too perfect (the did in the Illustrator version as well) and in fact they would not be quite so perfect.
Well done Paul.
Gary W. Priester | | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram