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  1. #1

    Default Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files


    I have been trying around the forum in order to find out if somebody got the same issue as me, but did not find any thing related to this. So, the last to do is to post here, hoping to get an helping hand from the readers.

    I have a picture of let us say 2MB. I open it on xara pro (by the command IMPORT or just by OPEN file menu, or just by dragging the file on the windows of xara. (I always select "Import the same size").

    I just simple altered a little bit the colour or the angle of selection and when I went to the save part (Export JPG) it keeps reducing the file to half of its size (2,10MB goes to 780KB)

    How comes it is possible to stop doing that?

    Doing the same thing with the picture and using a different program, the end result of the size is very closed to its original size.

    I would like to ask you for some help in this issue.

    Thank you


    Thank you

  2. #2

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    Hello carlosgf,

    Just to make sure of my answer, I imported a PhotoLine illustration I am working on as a JPG. The quality level set to 100% but the "High Quality" checkbox unchecked I get a file of about 900k. With it checked the file is 1.5 megs.

    In Xara, the same PL image (imported as a PhotoShop file) exports out just below 900k. So about the same as the PL JPG exported image without the "High Quality" setting checked. More in a minute about that setting...

    From PhotoShop, that PSD file exports to JPG using the highest settings at about 950k. Same with PhotoShop Elements. So again, about the same with the exception of PL's "High Quality" setting. Certainly not enough difference to care about.

    Here's about that high quality setting from the help file: "Usually the JPEG format saves color information with a lower quality than brightness. If High Quality is turned on, color information will be saved using the same quality."

    Dunno. don't understand it per se. But the files are larger thatta way.

    Make sure you visit all the tabs on the export panel. I get similar results no matter which of the 3 applications I just used.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    What Quality setting are you using? The Quality setting is in fact a compression setting. At a quality setting of 100% you are not compressing the JPEG at all. At 95% you are compressing the image 5%, at 90% you are compressing the image 10% and so forth.

    A little compression makes a very big difference when exporting a JPEG image. Experiment with different Quality settings and note the file size in the Export preview window.

    Often you can compress some images a lot without a noticeable loss of quality. On the other hand, if you have large flat areas of color, especially red, there will be some bleeding (blurring) at even 95% image quality.

    Not part of the answer, but it would make a lot more sense and be more intuitive if the Quality setting were renamed Compression and worked in reverse, with 5% being a little and 50% being a lot. Just saying.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    Thank you to you both!

    I have read your answers several times and realized that that thing of Quality Settings for the JPG images is the Boss who dictates the final size of our images.

    I was using the standard Quality Settings of 75% and 96DPI Gary

    I have tested every little tab on the export panel, and have just made my mind to pay more attention to this part.
    As a fast way to change some colours and viewing angles on any image I was used to use Microsoft Picture Manager, and when I decided to do everything on Xara that is when I began to compare output results.

    Now is OK, I understand the path I have to take to accomplish what I am looking for.

    So, saying this I would really like to THANK YOU, gwpriester and mwenz (you were just brilliant when you tested different programs to see the size results at the end !), for taking your time and passing by.

    I do not came often, but I am glad to have my question answered

    Have a nice night

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    Glad we could shed some light.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Chicago, IL U.S.A.

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    Sirs, I have had a similar problem with Xara Des Pro 7 . My solution was to save to PNG. I did this before exporting to PDF. There is no change in size nor scale, and the resolution is maintained. Give it try! PNG is your friend!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Question about XaraDesignerpro6 reduces the size of the JPG files

    Hi mconeillster,

    I gave it a try and the output result as exporting PGN (taking two different photos/images of mine), gave me an increase of the size in both pictures, almost double the size.

    My settings on the tab PGN export panel were the defaults from Xara.

    What were your settings on your exporting panel?

    Thank you




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